Baby #26, 27, and 28

The girls were so excited when they returned from their trip to France that they couldn’t wait to show me all the ancient stuff they found. Zola wanted to sell the stuff they had brought back and invest the money in their future. Rosa, on the other hand, wanted to keep everything so they – as well as all my future children – could always remember that they were my first children to travel to another country.

In the end, I talked them into a compromise. They picked out their favorite pieces to keep and sold the remainder of the stuff. With the money, I was able to buy two large display cases for the girls to put their treasures on.

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Mini-Update: Bonjour!

Note from the Author: Hey guys, just wanted to let you know this update will be written from Rosa’s point of view and not Christy’s. It will also be pretty picture heavy and most of the update probably won’t include very much writing because I couldn’t think of many captions. Hope you enjoy!!

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Baby #24 and 25

The morning after the twins were born, I called my mother and told her to send the next guy over to my house. I had time to see the older kids off to school, give the toddlers their morning bottles, harvest and weed the garden, before taking a quick shower…still no man in sight.

Emery Lovegood arrived at the house about three hours after I had called my mother.

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